How to get around?

The availability of various transport modes in Jakarta is a convenience of you to move around the captivating city. You can use Transjakarta (busway), buses, city train,taxi,kancil,bajaj or rent a car.

  • Transjakarta (Busway)

> The TransJakarta service operates on a special bus-line called the busway. The busway network is optimized for busy city routes and is a relatively effective alternative for travel in Jakarta.

  • Buses
> Many Bus in jakarta,Yyou could choose this vehicle to go round with the cheap price.

  • City Train

> You could choose the City Train to go round quickly.

  • Taxi
> The taxi was the vehicle that was practical to go on a trip.

- Blue Bird

To order:
62-21-794-1234 , 62-21-798-1001
(for 24 hour service)

Other Taxies